Monday, September 12, 2005

Hello, Dolly!

Picked up the DVD of Hello, Dolly!on one of my rare appearences at the local music/video store. A 1969 classic, it has my favourite female singer Barbara Streistand along with Walter Mathau. An elegantly done musical this one also has Louis Armstrong in his last appearence in a movie singing the title song as well. Musicals are a great fun to watch and I would recommend this movie to anyone wanting to get a peek into the world of musicals.

Though not in the same league as the director Gene Kelly's earlier classic Singin in the Rain - this will however keep you entertained with its music. Worth a watch and the title song and dance sequence deserves multiple reruns, what with it being the Satchmo's last appearence on the big screen.

My Take - Hmmm! ■■


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