Going down...
Alone in UK thought I would spend some time watching a movie at the Ozone Multiplex, in Oxford. Went through the list of movies and picked The Descent. Why did I pick it up, well because for one that was a movie I could watch alone, not one that my wife would like watching, and two, maybe I wouldn't get to see that back in India.
At the end of it after paying 6.50 pounds (Rs. 520) to watch this movie didn't seem worth it at all. It had an all women cast alongside slimy, under developed, foetus like, cannibalistic, blind men playing the fear factors. There is a lot of blood and gore all through the movie. Seemed too incomplete in the end when there was just one woman alive out of seven.
I'm not particularly a horror movie connoisseur, but I can tell you one thing, having grizzly creatures doesn’t make a horror movie. On an end note I think my taste of watching good movies is going down, more like the title of the movie.
My Take - Eeeks! ■■■■■
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