Monday, June 13, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smithereens

What do you get when you put together Bourne Identity, Mission Impossible, True Lies, and The War of the Roses together? Mr. and Mrs. Smith!

Throw in Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie for some saleability, and you have a winning combination. Well hold on, not so fast, my mistake for taking the movie at face value (Brad's and Angelina's). Either the producers thought that people are stupid and are gullible or whatever. I frankly thought this is an unnecessarily over rated movie with no meat at all. Best action sequence when the two are converting the Smith house into smithereens and also my hopes. There was nothing more to add after that.

The only claim to fame (or disrepute) for this movie is it brought Brad close to Angelina and far away from Jennifer. So in case you are going to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith...see someone else!

My Take - Eeeks! ■■■■


At 12:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"when the two are converting the Smith house into smithereens and also my hopes"

What a thought!

Redeem yourself, see The Last Castle (

There are people who make better films.

Loved the review - thanks for the warning!!


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