A Series of Unfortunates
This Jim Carey starrer A Series of Unfortunate Events is part of the series of unfortunate Carey gags that by now have become predictable, staid, ridiculous, and hamming at its best. Please! Please! I beg you run away from this movie even if someone gives you a million dollars. Alright for that kinda money watch it with you eyes open fantasizing about something else and set the DVD on a dubbed version you don’t understand.
What on earth were powerhouse talents like Meryl Streep and Dustin Hoffman doing in this production; ‘Is money everything in this world?’; Come on guys have some self respect and give some importance to the reputation you have before signing on the dotted line. It is an interesting plot and all that, but...it leaves a lot to be desired. Watch at your own risk.
My Take - Huh! ■■■■■
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