Movies - My Take

Eeeks! ■■■■■ Huh! ■■■■■ Hmmm! ■■■■■ Yeah! ■■■■■ Wow! ■■■■■
Movies have one aim - to entertain. Degrees of entertainment vary ofcourse depending on the execution. Here's my take on what I have felt on movies I have watched.
Raising Cain is another of Brian De Palma masterfully crafted suspense thrillers dealing with multiple personality disorders. It has John Lithgow who plays the character with the multiple personality disorder. Well directed and well performed by the entire crew. Take time off to watch this interesting psychological thriller.
A man in his car hits a dead man at 11:14 in the night that falls from a flyover above, he tries running away from the cops - lands up at a family whose girl has gone missing. Girl's boyfriend is trying to get money for her abortion, robs the store he works in. Girl's dad finds girl's ex boyfriend dead in the graveyard and decides to fix the crime scene.....girl dies in car so happens that girl is connected to nearly everyone in the movie. Confused! Even I was when I saw the movie on DVD. Forced connectivity to create a suspense thriller all comes to naught. Watch this at your own risk.
A mish mash between Collateral and the trouble brewing withing the Birla household on succession as well as a moral of the story. This production is way below class. I have no idea how I agreed to get conned into watching this movie. Nana Patekar and John Abraham disappoint as the main characters. A wee bit too much of hamming there. Sameera Reddy is best off doing revealing roles and item numbers rather that try and act. Like I said in the title of this take - Do not hail this taxi you will get fleeced.
This Owen Wilson/Vince Vaughn comedy Wedding Crashers is about two guys who have a fetish for crashing in weddings. The goal however is to bed single women at weddings. They have their set of rules that they work on. However it leaves a lot to be desired, and does not deserve the hype that it generated. Watch it at your own risk.
How do the young and restless behave - watch Rang De Basanti to find out. What changes for them in that one tipping point of their lives from no hopers/wanderers to people with a mission however far fetched it may seem. This is a truly inspirational film especially if you are an Indian concerned about the future of this country. This is about fighting the establishment, this is above love, and about finding purpose. All perfomances are well executed, Siddharth and Aamir are the best of the lot, with the rest not so far behind. Alice Patten is cute.
It’s a slickly done movie with inspiration taken from the Michael Douglas – Sean Penn masterpiece The Game and a host of other movies I’m sure. The songs are westernized with Hip Hop and Rap beats shot as though they are music videos. Abhishek Bachchan is impressive; Rietesh Desmukh and Nana Patekar are very good. Priyanka Chopra uhh…hmmm…uh…hmmm…is there in the movie. Watch it – it’s a nice movie but could have been much much better.
This Jim Carey starrer A Series of Unfortunate Events is part of the series of unfortunate Carey gags that by now have become predictable, staid, ridiculous, and hamming at its best. Please! Please! I beg you run away from this movie even if someone gives you a million dollars. Alright for that kinda money watch it with you eyes open fantasizing about something else and set the DVD on a dubbed version you don’t understand.
Kung Fu! Quentin Tarantino style. The second part of the movie, actually it’s just that he went about making Kill Bill and realized late that it had become too long for western audiences – so he clipped it into two. But true to the Tarantino style of story telling this one lives up to his reputation. This part however doesn’t have as much action if you have already seen the first part, but nevertheless there is more story telling and scene setting done here. That’s Quentin Tarantino for you jigsaw style filmmaking, the moviegoers have to put the pieces together.